Alive and Well and Living in Absentia

The Dharma Bum: Part Deux

Friday, January 20, 2006

Not even a spoonful of sugar will help this medicine go down

Dose Daily Magazine - you are fit for the pit.

I pick up Dose every once in awhile just for something to read during breakfast, and I get that their reader demographic is apathetic. But as a so-called member of the fourth estate, maybe you could do something to promote the involvement of the youth who read your magazine?

Case in point: Thursday's Issue: Dose asks people across the country "what election issue is least important to you?"

Two of the replies:

"All of them, any and all things related to politics are not important to me. Ignorance is bliss to me. I know I'm contributing to the stereotype of youth, but hey, it's a stereotype for a reason."
Well said young man. That's an admirable quality in a young person today - to admit how wilfully ignorant they are. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! Perhaps you could put down the all the shopping bags from designer stores (NIKE front and centre) and pick up a newspaper. I realize world issues are a bummer and all, but this is your future we're talking about! And you just don't care?

"I hate how they want to give money to parents of little kids."
(When asked if she would prefer that the money be spent on daycare programs, she replied...)
"Well, I guess so. Still, don't give them the money!!!"
Holy crap. Well young lady, based on the cost of your designer parka and the (cheap, I'm sure) digital camera in your hand, I'm guessing mummy and daddy didn't have any trouble coming up with the cash for daycare for you. Now what if your mom got pregnant and it was a rocky relationship and she ended up working two jobs just to stay out of the drop-in centre and had to decide between using the $20 a month she's given for childcare on a babysitter for you or the electricity bill... would you say she doesn't deserve the extra cash?

Of course, both of these quotes are from 18 year olds - but no one else on the page seemed that interested in any issue that has been raised in the election thus far. And only one person even mentioned the gay marriage debate - and not because it's been passed by Supreme Court, or that it would be a human rights violation, but because "it doesn't bother him".

Within a week of turning 18 I was out there voting. It wasn't a federal election, but it meant a lot to me that I had a say in the whole process. These days it's hard not to become jaded or angry about the whole political process. It's hard to drive through Mount Royal and not want to plow down all those damn conservative campaign signs! And it's disheartening as a young person sometimes, sometimes I feel as though those conservative rich white men have a vote that's worth 3 times more than mine. But still, it's my duty and my privilege to be out there on Monday - voting. I do it if only as a means to remembering that I live in a country where that right has not yet been taken away.


At 10:59 PM, Blogger bubba said...

"Dose Daily Magazine - you are fit for the pit." i love that!!!!!!! gee, i really miss jon-o-vision.

when i turned 18, i was rarin' to vote in the next election... however, i don't think apathy amongst the youth of canada has changed over the years.

it only takes a little effort to be aware of what's happening around you. i guess it's too much to ask of them.

hard to imagine these people going through life with what amounts to a paper bag over their heads, eh?

At 10:45 AM, Blogger The Dharma Bum said...

Don't they realize that they will have to clean this mess up one day?!

At 2:28 AM, Blogger dean said...

Amen Autumn! I can only imagine what the REAL verdict would be if all the youngin's got informed and voted. No way we'd have such a high Conservative toll. Some days at school I feel like I could just shout out and plea to the students and tell them to vote. Inform them exactly what you've just said about Harper being a Homophobic asshole. Not a 'rights' issue my ass, what is it then? Just some privalege that every other
Canadian has, unless you're "one of them". What's next Harper, dust off some old signs in the garage that says "Blacks to the back of the bus".

At 2:31 PM, Blogger kelsey said...

Al, I hate to correct you but "fit for the pit" was from street cents not Jon-o-vision. But Jon was still totally hot!

I was still bewildered by voter turn out. Why isn't it in the mid 70%

Then I remember the apathy

At 8:29 PM, Blogger bubba said...

qt, i've got to correct you. jon-o-vision was on street cents for the longest time.

check it out:


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