Alive and Well and Living in Absentia

The Dharma Bum: Part Deux

Friday, June 30, 2006


Well, the train tracks went on today. If any of you have ever seen Steel Magnolias - you remember that part when Julia Roberts cut off all of her hair and then had a crying fit in the middle of Dolly Parton's beauty salon? That was me once I fled the orthodontist's office and ran to my truck. I had a class A freak out. Thankfully all of the rumors about braces being really painful weren't really true. It was just such a shock to see myself in the mirror. Like Dorian Gray or something. I look like I'm regressing in age. I'm ok now though.

Yesterday was the day from HELL at the airport. I'm pretty sure that that I had a hidden camera on me all day and they were filming Airline without my consent. I got yelled at A LOT yesterday. Because apparently it is my fault that we can't check in a guest and his entire extended family and their entire extended luggage 20 minutes before the flight is set to depart. Also, I am to blame for the fact that the airline that shall remain nameless cancelled a shitload of their flights the Thursday before the long weekend. I take full responsibility for the fact that we couldn't get them on a flight RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!! And even though today is my day off... because of the backlog from yesterday, my entire extended family is pissed because their flights have been rearranged today - can't I do anything about that?! (The whole fam-damily is heading out here for my aunt's wedding tomorrow. Please kill me.)

I suppose I am simply going to have to get used to the perks of the airline industry. On the whole I had a great week - I had guests, a co-worker, and a supervisor give me kudos for doing so well. Another co-worker is willing to take my 6pm - 2am shifts for morning starts - so now I may actually have a life this July. And I saw Alexander in street clothes. (Highlight of my goddamn week, I'll tell you that much!) Sigh...

I literally can't think of any more to write.... so I think I am going to go do one of three things:
1. Stare at the gleaming shards of metal in my mouth and obsess over my image.
2. Reteach myself to eat by placing small portions of food directly into my mouth. (This instead of gnawing my way through meals like I usually do.)
3. Ice my ass. I just cannot fathom how I fell of that goddamn chair!!!


At 1:49 PM, Blogger kelsey said...

Best Fall EVER!

At 5:10 PM, Blogger bubba said...

congrats on the train tracks! aesthetic age regression can't be that bad. my folks could only afford tracks for my sis, thus, i have this freakish grin.

"guests"? that what you call customers? ha. cute. never felt like a guest before.

is the co-worker formerly known as vlad now the new alexander?

dunno about the ass ice, but i'll volunteer, eh.


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