Alive and Well and Living in Absentia

The Dharma Bum: Part Deux

Monday, April 17, 2006

This Week in Numbers

10 - amount (in hours) of time I spent at work on Saturday
15 - pages of typed instructions written knowing my boss will never use them
4 - mental breakdowns
0 - of which were mine
1 - retina scan
1 - body scan
4 - sets of fingerprints
3 - papers due
2 - of which were mine
2 - take home final exams
0 - amount (in minutes) that I have spent studying for my own final exams.
0.45454545.... - kilograms of choclolate covered pretzels that I have eaten today.
3 - nosebleeds that have lasted up to an hour (apparently I don't get ulcers....)
1 - barbeque that I meant to buy, but never got around to
10 - amount (in days) that I have inexplicably slept on an air mattress in my den rather than in my own bed.
1 - number of times I have considered resorting to alcoholism.

And what I have to look forward to... in numbers:
3 - days of garage sale fun
16 - hours of driving to and from Saskatchewan loaded up like the Beverly Hillbillies.
Priceless - the amount (in dollars) that I could make if I were an actual Ikea delivery service.
1 - flatulent weiner dog stinking up the truck for said 16 hours
7 - number of fortune cookies I will attempt to scam from the Chinese restaurant that my Grandpa has his heart set on visiting.
7 - number of fortune cookies I will eat in an attempt to ween myself off of chocolate covered pretzels.
2-4 - number of times my jaw will lock from grinding my teeth all week.
1 - trip to emergency room after falling off ladder while trying to remove Christmas lights from house during garage sale.

My mum says I'm racking up points for the afterlife. I see it more like collecting airmiles but never having enough to redeem it for anything.


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